Monday, July 30, 2007

when reading the newspaper is really bad

I woke up to read these this morning! ruined my whole day!

تخفيض عقوبة السجن لقاتل ابنته

عمان- خفضت محكمة الجنايات الكبرى الى النصف حكمها الصادر بحق شخص اقدم على قتل ابنته لخروجها من المنزل من دون اذنه لزيارة والدتها، كما افاد مصدر قضائي امس.

وقال المصدر ان المحكمة التي كانت اصدرت حكما في 24 تشرين الثاني (نوفمبر) الماضي بالسجن 15 عاما مع الاشغال الشاقة بحق الجاني (41 عاما) عادت وخففت العقوبة الى النصف "لاعطائه فرصة لاصلاح نفسه".

ووفقا لوثائق المحكمة فإن الجاني قام في 23 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2006 بضرب ابنته عدة مرات بواسطة عصا على رأسها لخروجها من المنزل من دون اذنه لزيارة والدتها التي تقيم في منزل اهلها لخلاف زوجي بينهما، ما ادى الى موتها.

واضافت الوثائق ان الضحية "شتمت والدها" عندما صفعها على خدها قبل ان يضربها حتى الموت

موفق كمال

عمان- اشتبهت الاجهزة الامنية بقيام حدث في منطقة جبل النصر بقتل طالب توجيهي لم يكمل فرحته بالنجاح بعد صدور نتائج الثانوية العامة، بعد مشاجرة جماعية بين المغدور وأصدقائه من جهة، والحدث ورفاقه من جهة اخرى، وفق ما ذكر الناطق باسم مديرية الامن العام الرائد بشير الدعجة.

وحسب الدعجة، فإن المغدور اجتمع مع اصدقائه بهدف الاحتفال وتناول الحلوى بمناسبة النجاح، وأثناء وقوفهم بالقرب من منزل المتهم وقع شجار بين الحدث والمغدور، واثناء ذلك قدم الحدث على طعن المغدور في الجهة اليسرى من الصدر.

وبين رئيس المركز الوطني للطب الشرعي مؤمن الحديدي ان المغدور اصيب بطعنة في منطقة القلب "البطين الايسر"، ما ادى الى وفاته.

وكان مدعي عام شرق عمان اجرى تحقيقا مع الحدث، فيما ضبطت الاداة المستخدمة في الجريمة، وتقوم حاليا مديرية شرطة شرق عمان باتخاذ اجراءات العطوة الامنية مع ذوي المغدور.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Women, stay home!

I am becoming increasingly fed up with all the talk about working women "stealing the opportunities" of men and depriving "families" from a source of income. Today, while we visited family, a newly-wed friend of the family came and started bragging about the fact that "he made his wife stay home". His justification was the fact that he made enough money and that by doing that, he actually gave a "man who supports a family" a work opportunity.

He also said that his three sisters, all engineers, have also got married and are housewives. He went on to lash at the government for "giving girls free education and the chance to compete for higher education and jobs."

"My three sisters who are happily cooking and doing laundry at their houses took three engineering university seats and hypothetically deprived three men (three families) from studying and making a decent living."

What made me angrier was the fact that many men who were present were very satisfied with his "analysis". They said nothing and probably liked his "victorious" move to make his wife stay home and leave her job as a teacher.

Of course, all my talk about women education and work and contributing to the growth of the society was very unacceptable to him. He looked at me as if I was actually saying really stupid stuff. The conversation ended up by him saying that I, and the likes of me in Jordan, actually embody the very negative factor that "wrecked the very foundation of our society." The debate went on and on and I was too close to yelling at him with a big shut up!

I believe that those men should either be "eradicated" some way, or not allowed to speak in public by anyway possible.

It is only with the advancement of women that we can move forward. Empowering women will empower the society and as long as these people have power and a loud voice, I don’t think we will get anywhere!